Monday, December 26, 2011

Fill in the gap...

Today is December 26, 2011 and I have not written since October hence the title of this blog. I really must get better at this blogging. So what has happened since then?

November we had a great Thanksgiving with loads of family and friends. The Fennells, The Terry, and the Rattleys got together in Maryland and ate dinner at Regina's house. How did this happen you may ask. Well long story short: Darius and I were the first of the children to get married on both sides of the family so we started doing Thanksgiving together as two units. Then what happened next gets tricky. My best friend of 25 years oldest sister is dating my brother in the 3 families decided to lump together for Thanksgiving and it was a blast and lots of food.

December brought us lots of joys and first. We anxiously awaited the 12th of this month to find out what the sex of our third child would be. Darius and I both were pretty sure it was a boy, but our family had other hopes and prayers. We arrived at the ultrasound ultimately just wanted to know that our baby was healthy with all fingers, toes, cells, and healthy organs, but little did we know the ultimate surprise awaited us. The ultrasound tech looked at everything and told us the baby was perfect, so we were a little confused when she asked us if we wanted to know the gender and then took a very long pause. She moved the device around and looked and looked and it was the longest few minutes of silence ever for me. Then she spoke"well I just wanted to make sure I was right before I told you what it was" and then more silence...IT'S A GIRL. I smiled and then laughed, then I am sure a little tear came out the side of my eye and then I just kept saying " Are you serious." Darius was in shock...he really did not say anything...then he smiled, laughed, did a fist pump, and we both were just very very happy. I did not think the joy could be anymore til we got outside and Darius started crying after he finished telling friends and family in the parking lot. He really wanted a girl and was so happy in love with a child he had not even met yet. His reaction was so touching and so emotional right then I knew he would be the best daddy a girl could ever have.

As if that was not enough excitement. Kyle was in his first Christmas play ever. He played a sheep in his schools play. He was the cutest sheep ever. He made us all very proud. He was singing and clapping and pretty much the most animated sheep I have ever seen. :)
This month we also celebrated our first Christmas in our new home. It was a great Christmas. Darius was sick for most of the day but some how it still turned out to be great. I started a new tradition this year of writing everyone Christmas letters. I think it will be so fun to go back and read when the kids are older. It was the only way I could think to capture my heart felt feelings on paper at least once a year. I mean I guess there is this blog but I have not done so good with that have I? For dinner we had baked chicken, ham, cheesy potato casserole, and green beans. The boys received a ton of gifts from family and friends. We were all feeling so very blessed. Our family tradition is to only get the boys 3 gifts a piece and the same for each other sometimes less when it comes to Darius and I. This year we actually stuck to that. :)

It's the last week of the year and we are so glad to be spending it all home together. Darius is off til the new year and we will all be able to spend time together, play games, go places, and take naps. Hopefully I will be much better at this thing called blogging and blog at least once or twice a week. Til next time...


Our Family

A Little Background

About Me:
Well I am 30. Born and raised in Connecticut. Growing up I always said I would not get married, never have children, and be a doctor. Well I am married 8 years now with 2 kids  and I am a nurse. Actually my reality right now is I am a stay at home mom who works part time. While this is not quite the dream I had for myself. I like this one better. How did this happen you may ask? The short of it I had my first  child and worked pretty close to full time staying home with him during the day and working at night and on the weekends so we did not have to pay for childcare. I had my second and kept up the same tiring schedule. We moved to Ohio and I have not been back to nursing full time since. I plan on going back soon, but just found out I was pregnant again. Hmmm what do to? Well we will see how this unfolds as I write this book or journal or whatever you want to call it.

About The Husband:
What is there not to love? He is the best human I know. He is an engineer, a lover of Christ, and my husband. He is 33 born and raised in Dover, Delaware. When not working you can find him reading his Bible, playing video games, watching You Tube, playing with the boys, or doing something with me. He has a great sense of humor and when he is comfortable with you  he will have you in stitches most of the time you are with him. He is my husband, the father to our children, and I love him.

About the Romance:
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage…right??? So I met my husband  “D “(as I will refer to him throughout this story) at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Yeap I was a freshman and he was a senior. I saw him at a college event and knew yeap he was the one for me, but there was a lot of minor well major things I needed to do…LOL So we were friends he left and went to work in Rochester, NY after he graduated in 2000. We continued our relationship which was purely friendship. One day he called me on the phone and after like two hours of talking he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. Two months after that or so he proposed and a year and half later in August 2003 we were married. We lived in a very cute apartment in Rochester, NY for 2 years and we bought our first home in November of 2005. We were so excited. We had four bedrooms, and loads of space. It was great. We lived there and D worked on his masters, worked full time and I worked full time. Then came January 2007 when we found we were pregnant with our first child and thus the story of mommy adventures begins.

Now I wish I would have started writing this in 2007 when I had my first child but I didn’t. So there are many stories missing between 2007 and now October 2012, but I think you will enjoy the stories and the adventures all the same.

About our children:

K.J: He was born September 6, 2007. I was in labor 33 hours with him, but every hour was worth seeing his little face. He came into this world content, curious, very cute, and not much has change. He never cried as long as he was fed, and pretty much always goes with the flow. He is my explorer. He has to see how things work and find out why. You can often find Kyle in the bathroom trying to figure out how the water goes from the faucet to some distant place that we can not see, or in the kitchen looking under the sink studying the pipes. He pretty much does as he is told, but he often has to do it his way. He is very much the oldest independent, not needing much, and likes giving instructions to his little brother.

Andy: Born February 27, 2009. I was in labor for 5 hours with him. What a joy to meet my new baby boy. He was screaming his head off and wondering what was going on, but as soon as he was laid in my arms he was fine, and that has not changed. He is what I call my own little personal human tail. He goes where mommy goes. He loves to run, jump, play with cars, and be outside as long as it is not too hot. He is much different from Kyle as he is not very content. He wants what he wants when he wants it and how he wants it. He is a picky eater and a big drinker. At almost 3 he is still not the best sleeper but we are getting that down. He loves television and books. His personality is great and once he feels comfortable with you and lets you see  his true self you will feel the same way. He is also a little bossy one which I find funny because right now he is the youngest, but he asserts himself very well.

Cupcake: Well you see it is October 2011 and our third child is not born yet. We don’t even know the sex of the baby. What I do know is this has been the most difficult pregnancy, but I am not complaining because about a week ago I thought I was losing you and my heart started breaking in every place. I hoped and prayed that you were still in there and Praise God you were. I can’t wait to find out if you are a boy or a girl. I love you so much and I know you will be the icing on the cake to this our little family.

So what Sherrie exactly is this you are writing? It is a compilation of stories of our life. I plan to keep it up from now until the youngest is out of the house. I am sure some days will be happy and some will be sad, but this is my story of life really as a wife and a mother and I am sure some days just as a person in general. We do believe in Jesus, prayer, and the Bible so I am sure often times I will refer to them all. Enjoy and thank you for reading and sharing in my life.